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Location : Kampung Gumbang, Bau, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. • Gumbang/Sebujit Gawai is an annual reciprocal festival celebrated between Kpg Gumbang of Sarawak and Kpg Sebujit of Indonesia-similar to the Sadir/Suruh Engkadok ‘Nyarok’ event (   • Borneo Trans Border Gawai Suruh Engka...  ). • Day 1 :- Welcoming Sebujit contingent :    • Gawai Kampung Gumbang Sarawak-Sebujit...   Dancing at the Tanju :    • Traditional Dayak Bidayuh Gawai Harve...   • Day 2: • The next morning was the animal sacrifice near the border (   • Authentic Gawai Dayak Bidayuh Ritual,...  ). I do not recommend this event for the faint hearted and those who are animal lovers. A tradition is a tradition. A chicken and a puppy were slaughtered to thank the gods for all the good things in their lives. After this another round of procession and dancing near the community hall as VIPs officially welcomed the 27 Sebujit visitors. Speeches handing out mementos was the order of the day. Brunch followed. • At midday was the main offering or ‘miring’ of the pig followed by a traditional game or feat performed by Sebujit guys doing the vertical bamboo pole climbing – feet up first……man, you sure need lots of tuak to do that. • As were hurried out of the village to catch the same celebration in Kpg Sadir we saw 6 Bengkayang vehicles racing towards Gumbang to catch the action there. Better late than never. • Best Gawai ever!!! Loads of thanks to Desmond for being such a kind host, Boon for making sure we did not miss out on any of the events and lastly to Nawi with all the details and names . • SEE YOU AGAIN IN SEBUJIT 2012 (   • Nyobeng Sebujit: Gawai Opening Bengka...  ) • Bombastic Borneo shows you the gateway to indigenous lifestyle, culture and nature of Borneo. • #BombasticBorneo #婆罗洲游踪


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