Travie McCoy ft Bruno Mars Billionaire Parody Homeless Guy Millionaire


If you haven't heard the original song go listen to it, it's good. Then buy it on iTunes, and then subscribe to me, and comment, and rate. More videos coming soon. Thanks for watching! • • Here's my lame lyrics: • I wanna be a millionaire so freaking bad, buy myself an unsoiled pair of pants. • I wanna sleep on a bed instead of a pile of magazines, soaked in other drunken hobos pee. • Oh every time I close my eyes, I wake up all covered in flies. • A different bridge every night oh I, I swear, I'll be able to wash my hair, when I'm a millionaire. • Yeah I would buy a 40 oz beer, and drink it so fast • Get totally wasted and fall on my butthole • I'd probably pass out but I'd piss in my pants first • And defecate too cause I can't smell any worse. • Wake up the next day on the side of the street. • Go and take a shower lather rinse and repeat • I'd buy a pedegg and smooth my feet • Then dump it in a saltshaker for someone else to eat. • That's how I'd get back at society, and all the managers, who didn't want to hire me. • I stood on the corner for a freaking year but only got enough money for a few hundred beers. • Chorus • Check it out now; this is where I eat and this is where I sleep, and this is where I poop, and this is where I pee. • I don't know why I poop and eat in the same spot, I'm just a filthy bum so I figure why not? Yeah, And here's my shopping basket, and here's my crack, did I mention I'm a crack addict? • I Just can't wait until I have a million bucks, I'll buy some toilet paper finally and wipe my butt I'd hire girls to gather around me, feed me grapes and use big leaves to fan me • I think all men have probably thought that same thing but if I had a million dollars, man, I could buy anything. • Chorus • • Watch the real version by searching Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars [OFFICIAL VIDEO] FueledByRamen fueled by ramen Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars [OFFICIAL VIDEO] • • • The girl in this video is Bluemoon62902 and will be posting some of her own parodies soon here:    / bluemoon62902   • • Music composed by Bluemoon62902 with a Roland Fantom X8. Recorded in Garageband with a Guitar Hero mic (unfortunately). Shot on the Canon Rebel T2i with the 18-55mm kit lens plus one scene with a Takumar 50mm 1.4. Shot in Pearland and Alvin Texas. • • I don't hate homeless people, this is just a joke, I help most whenever the opportunity arises. • • Special thanks to Keith for peeing on my face with an apple juice syringe.


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