Can You Drink Wine on a Diet Wine Folly
Can you drink wine on a diet? Let’s find out which wines work and which wines don't. See full details → • 0:48 Do wines have carbs? • 1:17 Examples of wines with carbs • 1:49 Where do carbs in wine come from • 2:03 How to find carb-free wines • 2:41 Does wine have calories? • 2:51 Average calories levels in wines by alcohol level • 3:13 How alcohol affects your ability to stay on a diet • 3:50 How much should you drink to stay healthy? • Love what we're doing? Throw us a like and Subscribe to the channel • Limited time offer of 50% off our Wine 101 course when you subscribe to the Wine Folly newsletter: • If you want to go deeper, check out the Wine Folly book. It's a James Beard Award winner! → • Here are some more details on wine vs your diet: • Carbohydrates in wine come in the form of grape sugars leftover after the fermentation completes. Thus, wines that ferment totally dry have no carbs because there isn’t any leftover sugar. • Wineries refer to leftover grape sugars as “residual sugar” or “RS” for short. And, many quality wine producers list a wine’s RS on their tech sheets. • Look for wines with 3 g/L of residual sugar or less. • This is a low number and results in just 2.25 carbohydrates in an entire bottle.