🍞🔥 When does bread become toast Maillard Reaction Explained

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When does bread become toast, what is the Maillard reaction and caramelization, and how do when know when bread is toasted? • SUBSCRIBE TO ME ►► http://bit.ly/SubTimothyBach • Instagram:   / bachreports   • Personal IG:   / realtimothybach   • Discord: http://discord.bachreports.com/ • #toast #science #maillardreaction • Sources: • 1) https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/201... • 2)    • What is the Maillard Reaction - Food ...   • Everyone knows what bread is, and everyone knows what toast is. And everyone also knows that bread can be transformed into toast. What’s less clear is when exactly, does the transformation take place? When does bread become toast? • Before we get into it, comment your prediction about when you think bread becomes toast… (leave some time) I’m waiting… ok, let’s quickly breakdown the science behind toasting bread. • The browning process we call toasting is an example of the Maillard reaction, which in addition to toasting, is also responsible for the deep flavors of many of our favorite foods, including browned barley in beer, roasted coffee, seared meats, and French fries. • During the Maillard reaction or during the toasting process, amino acids (which are the base components that combine together to make proteins) and sugars interact in a thermal, or heat based, reaction. So we have proteins reacting with sugar caused by heat. This reaction produces the brown color, texture, and flavor we know as toast. • What happened during the toasting process is that when the protein bases and sugars got hot, the two rearrange and produce large frankenstein like molecules that are made up of many repeated single protein molecules, these large molecules are called polymers. In other words, the protein and sugar got hot, fuzed together, and changed form. • Another way to think of this is through caramelization, and while they’re not exactly the same, the Maillard reaction is very similar. With caramelization decomposition’s caused by heat that chars—so burnt bread is actually caramelized bread. Next time you accidently burn toast, just say you caramelized it. • In summary toasting bread is a chemical reaction when heat causes baby protein particles and sugars to react and combine, changing the color, texture, and flavor into what we know as toast. • • Now that we know the science behind toast let’s address the bigger question… when does bread become toast? • The science world has a lot of different answers and the general consensus is that there isn’t one scientifically ‘correct’ scale that specifies what amount of reaction differentiates bread from toast from burnt bread. And if you ask me, it’s because there’s no way for the average person to measure it. So if you’re fighting with your friend about who’s toast is actually toast, as of today, there’s really no correct answer. • That said, looking into the future, if we wanted to be able to have a scientific toast rating scale, here’s what we would need to do. First we would have to measure and evaluate all the varied configurations of amino acids, sugars, water, heat, and time. After documenting all these variables, we could create a scale similar to that of an acid base test; with an arbitrary point on the scale being set to defined ‘bread’, ‘toast’, and ‘caramelization’. Than all you would need to do is analyse the configurations of amino acids, sugars, water, heat, and time for each piece of toast and it would fall somewhere on that arbitrary scale. • I’ll never say never, because people are always coming up with ridiculous PHD thesis projects, but I will say it is highly unlikely that this research is done and a scale is created. So at least for now, bread becomes toast based on each individual’s preference. The truth is that the Maillard reaction and caramelization both change the color, texture, and flavor of bread. All of which are subjective preferences to each person. What’s toast to you could be bread to someone else and burnt to another.


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