Svord Von Tempsky Bowie
The Von Tempsky bowie is made in New Zealand by Svord. It is a replica representative of the bowie knives commissioned by Major Von Tempsky and issued to his rangers during the Maori wars. With it's 11 inch blade and oversized hand guard it's often referred to as a small sword . A fair amount of the knifes success is no doubt due to it's ties to the larger than life Major Von Tempsky and his exploits (check him out, he really was an interesting guy). • Ok so zero handle grip was propbably being a little too harse but it's definitely an issue. There's a reason that the majority of reviews on YouTube show the knife with some sort of handle wrapping or a lanyard. • I find this a very hard knife to review given it is essentially a replica and pointing out any faults given modern knife making techniques and designs seems very unfair. So I did this show and tell styled video instead. Also the knife has a number of passionate followers, and like any fans who have 11 inch knifes you should be careful what you say LOL. • Some history on Von Tempsky • • Von Tempsky - Tales from Te Papa epis... • Svord website •