How To Download Red Alert 2 And Yuris Revenge For Free Full
**Description Updated!** May 05, 2011 • • This is a tutorial which shows you how to download Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge for free. This is complete with the movies/cut scenes/etc... • ...Instead of using µTorrent, I recommend using tixati. tixati is the fastest BitTorrent Client. In just a few (Or maybe 1 hour) hours, my download was already at 27%! The link below this description (tixati download link) are compatible with Windows 7 / Vista / XP • Link to tixati • • I'm not sure if Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge will work on Linux, but anyways, the link will be below this... • For Linux, go to this address: • • Read the description from new tab that opened when you clicked on the link above... • ...That will show you guides with Linux • • Link for Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge torrent download: • • Hey! I forgot to tell you guys to download and use DAEMON TOOLS to install the game! • So here is a link to the download page, you may download either of all these softwares listed in the page... • • I will make a video on how to use one of these programs... • • After you finish downloading, do these: • 1st, you must download DAEMON Tools (Either of all the tools which are: Pro Advance, Pro Standard, Lite and Net OR, use a similar program). Here's the link to the download page so you can choose which to download: • • 2nd, run the installer. • 3rd, there will by an icon of the program on your system tray (Where the clock is located), right click on the icon and select Mount Image (You must install the Red Alert 2 one first). If there's no icon, run the program by opening the shortcut on your desktop (except if you didn't put a shortcut). • 4th, locate the file that you should mount first. • 5th, go to My Computer and find the virtual CD/DVD drive. You would know that it's the Virtual one because the will be a new drive, with a new drive letter, and has the name of the Virtual CD/DVD... • 6th, explore or open it and there will be an installer (I think)... It will most probably run automatically... • 7th, run the installer. • 8th, it will ask you for the crack. *You can't copy or paste it, so remember the crack or write it down. • If you use the Alt + Tab thing, it can be possible that something wierd is wrong with the installation. Maybe the cursor will not appear, or the buttons look wierd, etc. • 9th, if it says something like Insert the next disk , then mount the next file (Which are ISO, CUE or maybe also the BIN file). • *Add another drive or unmount the mounted image... • Repeat the steps when installing Yuri's Revenge after you completed installing Red Alert 2. • • Then, go to the drive you mounted the images. There is a CRACK folder inside. Open the folder, then copy the file inside. Paste it in the game directory. • **Note** You must copy and paste the Ra2.exe (For Red Alert 2) before installing Yuri's Revenge • • *Note* When you install Yuri's Revenge, it will automatically patch Red Alert 2 to the latest or probably the last (I think) which is 1.006 . • And you also must keep them mounted to play the game. • • Enjoy! :D