ALL SOURCES: • UPDATE AUGUST 2016: Six episodes of the Character by Character series are now up on the channel! • Playlist:    • Evangelion Analysis Project Episodes   • Episode 1 (For Mobile Users):    • Episode 1: Ritsuko (Evangelion Analys...   • On Shinji strangling Asuka: • The reason I did not explain in the video why Shinji strangled Asuka is because it is very much a personal interpretation. • The most official explanation is from the Bandai Evangelion Movie Series 2 Trading Card, which says, • Shinji renounced the world where all hearts had melted into one and accepted each other unconditionally. His desire... to live with 'others' — other hearts that would sometimes reject him, even deny him. That is why the first thing he did after coming to his senses was to place his hands around Asuka's neck. To feel the existence of an 'other'. To confirm (make sure of) rejection and denial. • This is my personal theory, which incorporates the official theory: • Rei explains that giving back the AT fields and thus everyone's ability to be a human will also give people back fear --- fear of those who might hurt us. When the scene opens, Shinji reacts on the fears shown in the previous strangling scene with Asuka during Instrumentality. Asuka, at the time, only represented the way humans hurt and reject others. So to confirm if Asuka was still the same rejecting, hurtful person she was in Instrumentality (the kitchen scene), Shinji picks up where he left off and begins to strangle her once more. But her response to his attack is a caress, fulfilling Kaworu's promise that the hope of love also remains. This caress reminds Shinji of the caress from his mother (right before he rises from the LCL), when one of her last lines to him was that You can find the chance to achieve happiness anywhere . He had replied that he didn't know where to find happiness... He now knows where his chance for happiness lies, and he nearly strangled her to death. He breaks down... • For another GREAT theory on why Shinji strangled Asuka, (I REALLY think this guy solved it!): • Lastly, the most official answer we have on why Asuka says How disgusting , was revealed in a 2005 interview with Asuka's voice actress, Yuko Miyamura. Miyamura was not voicing the original line ( I'd never want to be killed by you of all men, absolutely not! ) in the way Hideaki Anno wanted it expressed. When Miyamura asked Anno for more guidance, Anno asked her, Miyamura, just imagine you are sleeping in your bed and a stranger sneaks into your room. He can rape you anytime as you are asleep but he doesn't. Instead, he masturbates looking at you, when you wake up and know what he did to you. What do you think you would say? • So Miyamura told him that she thought Disgusting . Anno agreed and the final line was changed. • During the Instrumentality scene, Asuka was able to look into Shinji's mind among others and it was then that she discovered he had masturbated to her in her hospital room. In the final scene, once Instrumentality had ended, she had formed again, and I'm sure disgust was among many other feelings on her mind at the sight of him. • FINAL NOTE: I forgot to mention the Dead Sea Scrolls, which Seele had in possession. These scrolls, written by the First Ancestral Race, showed them how to initiate Second and Third Impact, and eventually the Human Instrumentality Project. It's a somewhat minor detail, but its important to understand that Second Impact was PLANNED by Seele according to these Scrolls. It was only seen as an accident by the public. • Special thanks to user Shinjitsu23 for the tip! • If you want to know what Evangelion is about without having to strain your brain, you came to the RIGHT place! Enjoy! • This was way too time-consuming, but, wow, was it worth it! I really hope you guys enjoy this as this is the first installment of the Evangelion Analysis Project. I have some really interesting tidbits and theories coming soon! (Hopefully a lot quicker to make than this one.) • PLEASE, if you have any questions about the series, project, etc. I'd love to answer them in the comments! Thank you!!!


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