Dark Isle Bagpiper The Laird of Lagavulin Dùn Uilleam Mòr

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=HrYUIINQrCo

Original tunes written for Willie Currie of Islay Scotland aka. The Laird of Lagavulin • The Laird by: T. Maksimuk • Dùn Uilleam Mòr by: PM Duncan Heads • Can be purchased and Downloaded: • iTunes: • https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/siu... • CD Baby: • https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/tressmaks... • To support Dark Isle Piper click on Patreon at :   / darkislebagpiper   • Dark Isle pipers message: • Please Take the time to read the story behind this video. It is a touching story and I feel so blessed and honored to play a tune written in 2000 by a man who wanted to see the same castle I was drawn to in 2017. It just so happened to be on Willie Currie's property. Almost two decades later Willie finally hears his tune by the late Duncan Heads. God bless you Willie and thank you for sharing your amazing Scottish Spirit with me! - Dark Isle Piper • The Story Behind the Video: • This Bagpipe set is inspired by my recent trip to Islay, Scotland. As my Husband and I explored Islay and visited Distilleries we came across a 12th century castle in Ruins on Lagavulin Bay, known as Dunnyveag Castle . • Curious about the castle and wanting to film and explore the ruins we set out to find the path that led to the castle. After parking the car near a home that over looked Lagavulin bay we found the path. • I began to pull out my bagpipes while my husband started setting up his camera gear when suddenly a man burst forth from his house with a Hello there! and a friendly wave. As he walked up he saw me pulling out my Bagpipes and with a cocked eyebrow asked, Do you play the Bagpipes Lass? If so, can you read music or do you play by ear? My reply was, I do both! He smiled and said, Well in that case I am Willie Currie, and I am known as the Laird of Lagavulin and I have a special request. Can you wait here a moment? and ran into the house. In a few seconds he was back out the door holding a sheet of paper in his hands. I could see it was bagpipe Music, but the smile on his face as he walked up and held the music up for me to see was priceless! Willie then asked in a hopeful tone, Will you play this for me? How could I resist? So I began playing his tune, Dùn Uilleam Mòr. I watched his face as I finished playing the last measure and saw tears rolling down his cheeks. This was not the reaction i expected to see, but then he told me the story behind this tune. • 17 years prior a local Piper named Duncan Heads was also on his way to see the castle ruins on Willie's property. Willie wouldn't let Duncan explore the castle unless he brought something in exchange for admittance. This was said playfully, but Duncan promised he would write Willie a Bagpipe tune for allowing him on his property. Willie accepted and Duncan explored. A few days later Duncan came by to give Willie the tune that was promised. Duncan said he named the tune after Willie and called it Dùn Uilleam Mòr or Big Willie's Castle . A few years later Willie heard that Ducan Heads had passed away. The Island of Islay is a small Island and news travels fast. • Years go by and Willie, who didn't play the Bagpipes himself, waited for his granddaughters to learn the Bagpipes so that they could play his tune, but both had chosen other instruments and could not play his tune for him. • So with tears streaming down his face he gave me a Big hug and thanked me for playing his tune for him for the first time. My heart melted. What an honor!! After we hugged I promised Willie that I would send him a studio recorded version of his tune for him. I wanted him to always be able to play it whenever he wished. He smiled, and looked at my husband and said, Well Lad, you married a Cracker! • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • After coming home I couldn't wait to share this story and this tune with the world! I decided to write a new slow air for Willie called The Laird of Lagavulin and post it here for him to see along with his other tune Dùn Uilleam Mòr by Duncan Heads. • I am honored to Dedicate this set to Willie Currie, the Laird of Lagavulin who lives near Dunnyveag Castle and the Lagavulin Distillery and play this in memory of the late PM Duncan Heads. • I dedicate this wonderful tune and day to you Willie Currie! Thank you for your wonderful cheer, passion and support of a Californian Lady Bagpiper on your Isle! • Slàinte!! • • W M Currie and Son, Tipper and Plant Hire • is a Local Business that runs every day on the Isle of Islay. • • Recorded at Weathertop Studio, Anza California 2018 • Bagpipes played by Tress Maksimuk • Snare/Base Drum by Ed Best • Filmed by Nick Maksimuk @ MukMukProdukt • Location: Dunnyveag on Islay


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