scottish christmas plum pudding recipe traditional scottish recipes Scotland
This Christmas Plum Pudding is light in colour and texture compared to the heavier versions available and it works perfectly as a boozey pudding or as an adorable Christmas pudding with icing. • • Recipe Note: You will also need brandy or icing sugar depending on the topping you require. :-) • **FULL RECIPE AVAILABLE HERE* • Christmas Plum Pudding - • **SUBSCRIBE! Like + Comment ** • I always try to get back to comments on my videos so if you have a question please drop me a line. I love hearing from you. • ***FOLLOW ME ON:*** • Instagram- / theweelarder • Facebook- / theweelarderangiemilne • Pinterest- • Although the roots of this recipe are thought to be of English origin there is evidence to show that Plum pudding, originally plum porridge was listed in a Scottish cookbook before found in English cookbooks but its very difficult to define according to The Scots Kitchen. • Tips: • This recipe is really easy to make but there are a couple of things that may help you make it run smoothly. First off make sure your pudding bowl or tin is really well greased and you pop some greaseproof paper in the bottom. This helps the pudding come out really easily and stops it sticking to the bottom of the pudding dish. • If you are using a standard pudding bowl without a lid then place some paper and tin foil over the top of the bowl, tie along the sides and create a handle on the top out of string. This will help you get the pudding put of the simmering wwater easier. • This pudding is packed with suet, sugar and preserved fruits and keeps really well. Its the perfect pudding to make ahead of time and warm up on Christmas day. • I have included two versions of this pudding, one is a boozey lit with brandy version and the other is alcohol free with icing on the top. Both are the same recipe just a different finish. The kids love the icing version it just looks adorable. • • Website - • EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS RECIPE - • **amazon affiliated links** • **OTHER CHRISTMAS RECIPES ON MY CHANNEL** • YULE BANNOCK - • Traditional Scottish Yule Bannock Chr... • CLOOTIE DUMPLING - • Traditional Scottish Clootie Dumpling... • CHRISTMAS MINCED PIES - • Traditional Scottish Christmas Mince ... • CHRISTMAS TRIFLE - • Traditional Scottish Christmas Trifle... • Music In This Vlog: • Music From Epidemic Sound- • I love sharing my Scottish content with you all and it really touches my heart to hear how much you all enjoy making and learning about Scottish foods. Sometimes I will be gifted Scottish products to share with you all and will disclose that but my opinion is always my own and I will decide if if is something I wish to share or not. • Some videos may also include a paid promotion, which is where I have been offered payment in exchange for sharing a product. I don't share items or take payment for things I wouldn't normally recommend and like to work with brands that fit well with my mission to bring Scottish food, culture and traditions to those who have an interest in Scotland. • **This recipe does not include paid promotional material or gifted products.**