Becky G Ivan Cornejo 2NDO CHANCE Live Performance
Who will tumble their way to the top? • Maddy Cornell wants to be a top gymnast, but lacks the self-confidence she needs to reach her goal. Rival gymnast Chelsea Smith is “Miss Perfect” and always seems to win the competitions. But with the help of new coach Kate, Maddy and her teammates try to overcome adversity for a chance to win a place on the National Gymnastics Team. As the competition heats up, the jealousy between Maddy and Chelsea becomes intense. Who will tumble their way to the top? • Cast: Nina Pearce, Adam Tuominen, Emily Morris, Carmel Johnson, Alanah Gilbert, Hapi Murphy, Amy Handley, Lilly Blacker, Julie Kay Lumasag, Elysia Markou, Sarah Murray, Dean Lukin, Tamsyn Lewis • Available Now on Digital HD: • Subscribe: • About MarVista Entertainment: • MarVista Entertainment is an independent entertainment studio with a mission to produce, acquire, and distribute premium film and television programming worldwide. • Connect with MarVista: • Like us on Facebook: • Follow us on Twitter: • A 2nd Chance - Official Trailer - MarVista Entertainment • / marvistaent