Pregnancy Workout 1st amp 2nd Trimester Toning Denise Austin


Watch as Parents tells you about third trimester pregnancy workouts! Now that you've reached the final stage of your pregnancy, finding workouts you're still able to complete can be a challenge. These pregnancy workouts for your third trimester will help keep you in shape until your baby arrives. After your doctor gives you the go-ahead to workout while pregnant, these four moves will help your entire body stay as conditioned as it can be. The first pregnancy exercise you can try is alternating reverse lunges. Begin by standing behind a chair to use for balance. Slowly alternate reaching back onto one leg and standing back up. Keep your upper body tall, using the chair for assistance if necessary. Continue these exercises for pregnant women behind the chair with a side leg lift. Extend one leg out to the side, alternating to the other leg to maintain balance in your muscles. This move will keep your gluts active. As your belly grows increasingly larger to expand for your baby, you'll begin to feel more stress than ever on your body. This stretch will help alleviate and open up your ligaments, along with helping you achieve some pregnancy fitness. Take a seat on a chair and place your hands behind your head and lean over one side of your body. Hold the stretch before moving to the other side. Holding this pose, shift into an oblique exercise. Rather than holding the pose, continue leaning side to side. Exercising during pregnancy and your third trimester doesn't have to become obsolete; do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable and fit! • Subscribe to the Parents channel: • About Parents: We’re here to help moms and dads raise happy, healthy kids—and have A LOT of fun along the way. Parents features information about child health, safety, behavior, discipline and education. There are also stories on women's health, nutrition, pregnancy, marriage, and beauty. It is aimed primarily at women ages 18–35 with young children. • Follow us today to become the best parent you can be! • Official Parents Website: • Follow Parents on FACEBOOK: • Follow Parents on TWITTER: • Follow Parents on PINTEREST: • Follow Parents on INSTAGRAM:


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