Setting up VS Code for GUI development using JavaFX
Time stamps: β • JDK installation- 00:00 01:10 • JavaFx installation- 01:11 02:12 • Setting path- 02:13 02:45 • Installing VS code- 02:46 03:03 • Setting environment for GUI development: • Adding extensions- 03:15 04:20 • Creating new project till reload- 04:21 05:20 • Importing jar files- 05:55 06:40 • Testing the intelli sense extensions in java: 06:45 07:05 • Going to javaFx reference for usage- 07:06 07:30 • Testing the example given there and • show how to run that in terminal after compiling- 07:35 08:20 • My example and demonstration: 08:22 10:40 • Thanks !!! • π©π»ππ • Types of Edition: • Java Standard Edition [Java SE a.k.a J2SE] • Java Enterprise Edition [Java EE a.k.a J2EE] • Java Micro Edition [Java ME a.k.a J2ME] • π JDK is an acronym for Java Development Kit.It physically exists.It contains JRE + development tools. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform. • JRE is an acronym for Java Runtime Environment.It is used to provide runtime environment.It is the implementation of JVM.It physically exists.It contains set of libraries + other files that JVM uses at runtime. • π JVM, JRE and JDK are platform dependent because configuration of each OS differs. But, Java is platform independent. • JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is an abstract machine. It is a specification that provides runtime environment in which java bytecode can be executed. JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms. • The JVM performs following main tasks: • 1. Loads code • 2. Verifies code • 3. Executes code • 4. Provides runtime environment • π Java SE [Standard Edition] RoadMap: • Java SE at a glance: • π JDK installation: • This wesite is from oracle, which is redirect from • Method 1. The official website • Method 2. The official website • π Method 1 to go to that page: • 1. Java official home page: • 2. Java Download: • 3. Seel all java downloads: Java Downloads Page: • 4. Looking for JDK?: • 5. Where can I get JDK download?: • 6. JDK download: • π Method 2 to go to that page: • 1. Oracle official site: • 2. Resources -- Software Downloads -- Developer Downloads [Java] -- Here you can see all Java downloads. • 3. Java [JDK] for developers: • 4. JDK Download: • π Now add the installation to the system path for recognizing Java from anywhere from the system • While JDK is to develop and run, it contains JRE in itself. • What you see in stp 2 of Method 1 is to download Java JRE only. • But Right now, we dont need JRE. • Caution: IF JRE is seperately downloaded, then the whole Java applications run but JDk doesnt run because there may be chance of version difference of JRE you installed abd JRE that is installed with JDK installation. • A Brief for JDK and JRE from officials: • π JavaFX installation: • 1. JavaFx official website: • 2. Download: • 3. Long term support or Latest Release JavaFX SDK download • 4. Unzip the zipped file which is downloaded • π Visual Studio Code installation: • 1. VS Microsoft official website: • 2. Download the setup file: • π Reference: • My code: • β To compile: • javac --module-path D:\\Java_JFX\\javafx-sdk-\\lib --add-modules javafx.controls • β To run: • java --module-path D:\\Java_JFX\\javafx-sdk-\\lib --add-modules javafx.controls App • Sorry for the vibration in between the video as I got a call while recording !!π π€