Mounting Samples for SEM Powdered Samples
Welcome to our series describing basic mounting techniques for some common categories of SEM specimens. In this video, we demonstrate a simple way to mount dry powdered samples for SEM. • Note: • The procedures described in this series are a good starting point for samples of this type, using consumables and equipment that can be obtained at the UNSW Electron Microscope Unit. Refinements may need to be made depending on the nature of the sample, configuration of the SEM, your specific analytical needs, and/or the materials available in your own facility. • Always follow health and safety protocols as described in your material's safety data sheet (SDS). • For more tailored advice, consult staff at the UNSW EMU, your node of Microscopy Australia, or the electron microscopy facility at your own institution. • While this method does not prevent some aggregation of particles, it does produce areas of fine particle distribution that can be effectively targeted for SEM imaging. When imaging samples prepared as described here, avoid areas where particles have agglomerated and seek out areas where the particles are distributed individually or in a fine layer. • UNSW EMU homepage: • Online Microscopy Training SEM Simulator: • Video by Karen Privat