EP 179 Roxy Music Virginia Plain Bass Cover
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=I4Xb4n-8Aw4
EP 179 Roxy Music - Virginia Plain • Virginia Plain is a song written by Bryan Ferry that was released as Art Rock band Roxy Music's debut single in August 1972. The song was recorded and released after their debut album although it has subsequently been included on re-issues and compilation albums. The bass player on the track is Rik Fenton. • A transcription in PDF and multiple Guitar Pro formats can be downloaded from: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1lzks9... • Tablature created using Guitar Pro 8 • Backing track created using Moises.ai • Signal Chain: Ibanez SR500 into Palmer PAN -1 passive DI box into MOTU 8Pre interface into Reason 12 • For the bass track I used my Ibanez SR500E bass and recorded via the DI and interface into Reason. When I listended to the extracted bass track in Moises.ai, the bass sounds like a synth so I decided to try and create a synth like tone to blend in with the straight bass guitar. To this I duplicated the bass track to create two seperate tracks. For standard bass sound, it went into a compressor set to even out the dynamics and provide a little boost before running into an instance of Kuassa's Cerberus amp emulation rack extension set to valve type tone. For the Synth track the signal went straight into an instance of Reason's Scream 4 distortion processor set to Fuzz to create quite a dirty sound. This then went into an Arturia Filter MS20 VST plugin to provide some more distortion and low pass filtering. This then went into a Magmasonic Classic Filter rack extension to cut all frequencies above 2Khz. Both tracks were then sent to a mix channel and summed together. • Footage filmed using GoPro Hero 9 • Onscreen tab created using Go PlayAlong 4.5 and NCH Debut • Titles created using Postermywall.com • Video editor: DaVinci Resolve 18.5 • Help support the channel: • If you would like to support the channel by keeping me in picks and strings etc then I have an Amazon wishlist that you can access by going to: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/... • Social Media: • Please like and subscribe to my channel for further videos. Also, please consider following me on my other social media links below. • Youtube: /c/ChrisHopkinsBass • Facebook: ChrisHopkinsBass • Instagram: @ChrisHopkinsBass