How To Prepare For A Hockey Game 🏒Gameday Routine
🎧 Get The Hockey Mindset Audio Clips: • Hey Hockey Players! • This video is all about how you can prepare for a hockey game. • Every hockey player is going to prepare differently, but this is my routine for a big game, and I hope that this gives you some good ideas to use. • It all starts the night before with some planning. • • I'm going to sit down and figure out my schedule for the game day so that I'm not scrambling and wondering what I need to do before the game. • Are there groceries I need for meal prep? Do I need to get my wheels sharpened? • When that is finished, it's time to get to sleep and get a solid 8 hours of sleep in. • Once you wake up, your morning routine is going to be important to kick-start the day properly. • I first rehydrate with 16oz of water as soon as I wake up. • Then run through a mobility routine to get warmed up and energized, breathing exercises, reviewing the schedule for the day, eating a healthy breakfast (eggs, oatmeal and fruit would be ideal for me.) • And lastly, preparing meals for the rest of the day to take to school or work - or wherever you're heading for the day. • Roughly 3 hours before game time is pre-game meal time (1:1 ratio of carbs to protein with veggies on the side.) My perfect pre-game meal would be chicken breast, rice, and some green veggies. • Click Here To See What To Eat On Game Day (For Increased Performance): • After the pre-game meal, I recommend getting everything together that you need for the rink, so that you are not rushing around right before you leave. • If you're like me, and time seems to slip away from you - a bonus tip is to set an alarm for 5 minutes before you need to leave for the game, so that you are not constantly checking the time. • Once you get to the rink, I recommend drinking 6-10oz of water roughly 20 minutes before stepping on the ice. • A proper dynamic warm-up is ideal about 15-20 minutes before getting on the ice, so I would run through our hockey training dynamic warm-up found here: • Hockey Warm Up + Pre-Game Stretches 🏒 • Something that isn't utilized enough with younger players, but you see the pros doing all the time, is throwing in some headphones and listening to music or mindset audio clips. • If you are interested in some mindset hockey audio clips let us know in the comments below. • When I go through this game-day prep, it makes me ready to take on any big game. • If you liked this video be sure to hit subscribe and feel free to let me know if you have any of your own game-day prep routines! • Thanks for watching and as always... • Train Hard! • -Kevin • Get VIP Access To • -- • INSTAGRAM: / hockeytrainingtips • FACEBOOK: / officehockeytraining