Behind the Old Guard Sentinels
Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse, the highly anticipated action-adventure roguelite, invites players to delve into its dark and gripping world with an exclusive demo premiering during Steam Next Fest. Developed by Viral Studios, Lethal Honor promises an immersive experience, combining strategic combat, intricate storytelling, and a unique progression model. • Set in a realm teeming with eldritch creatures and interdimensional anomalies, Lethal Honor plunges players into the heart of a secret organization dedicated to investigating and eradicating paranormal threats. Armed with melee combat skills and a myriad of abilities, players must navigate through diverse locations, uncovering the truth behind the enigmatic events unfolding around them. • Experience the adrenaline-fueled combat and immersive storytelling of Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse during the Steam Next Fest. Don't miss your chance to uncover the truth behind the apocalypse. • • / discord • #LethalHonor #roguelite #hackandslash • #HandyGames #ViralStudios #indiegame • by ▶ • ________________________________________ • Talk with us on our official Discord Channel: / discord • Watch our Livestreams every Thursday: / handygames_official • Join us on Facebook: • Follow us on Instagram: / handygames • Check news on Twitter: / handy_games