Who is Ucchista Ganapati

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Who is Ucchista Ganapati? In One Minute:- • Ucchista Ganapati is a multidimensional entity vibrating at a frequency which belongs to the Astral and Causal Realm. • Now what are these Astral and Causal Realms? • Astral and Causal Realm are the planes of existence from where our consciousness started getting comfortable with the 5 sensory organs. • Now how is Ucchista Ganapati related to our Lives? • Ucchista Ganapati is the multidimensional entity responsible for supplying energy to the Muladhara Chakra of all conscious beings. • Now what is this Muladhara Chakra? • Muladhara Chakra is the energy centre in all conscious beings responsible for governing the desire for food and sleep. • Therefore, if we try to connect with Ucchista Ganapati, then we will have complete control over the desire for food and sleep. • #Ganapati #Ganesha #Kali #Krishna #Vishnu #Shiva #Bhairava #BatukBhairav #KaalBhairav #DashaMahavidya #Durga #Brahman #AdiShakti #Brahma #Patanjali #Yogananda #Vivekananda #Aurobindo #Veda #Vyasa #Upanishad #Tantra #Shastra #BeejAkshara #Mantra #Sthula #Sookshma #Karana #Kundalini #Seven #Chakra #AutobiographyOfAYogi #Astral #Causal #Realm #Spirituality #Dimension #Time #Universe #DMT #PinealGland #UcchistaGanapati #Muladhara


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