How to use Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops
It is important to learn the right technique for administering eye drops to your eyes. Therefore, this video explains you how to use Systane Balance. • First of all, it is important to always wash your hands before touching your eyes, shake bottle before use and never share your bottle of eye drops. • Steps for using the Systane Balance eye drops: • 1. Tilt your head back. Gently pull down the lower eyelid to form a pocket • 2. Squeeze one or 2 drops inside the pocket formed between the lower lid and your eye, making sure the nozzle does not touch your eye, the skin round your eye or your fingers (to avoid contamination) • 3. Release your lower eyelid and blink 2/3 times to allow the fluid to spread evenly over the eye surface. • 4. If required, repeat the procedure in the other eye. • 5. After using the drops, replace cap to close the bottle completely. Remember: never share your bottle of eye drops. • Check our website and social media: • • / 123optic-101605614657411 • #systanebalance #systaneeyedrops #systanelubricanteyedrops #alcon