20121128 YouTube Presents MAYDAY五月天 30quotCF 中文版

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ILZhVOigO4w

Mayday • An influential rock band from Taiwan. • With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans. • In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls! • MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012. • MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the King of Concert. UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the Chinese Beatles. • For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world. • Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour NOWHERE. • • • 五月天 • 來自台灣的代表性搖滾樂團。 • 演出足跡踏遍全亞洲,美國,歐洲,澳洲以及其他地區,在亞洲樂迷的心目中,已經是不可撼動的巨星地位。 • 出道十三年,共發行八張錄音室專輯,五月天的音樂真實反映了華人年輕世代的心聲,從生活,愛情到工作...的探討,對於現實的省思與夢想的追求都有深入人心。 • 五月天在音樂成就上獲獎無數,總計榮獲超過一百五十項海內外音樂重要獎項,其中包括MTV日本音樂錄影帶大獎, 最佳Buzz Asia大中華藝人獎,並創下台灣樂壇紀錄,四度拿下台灣樂壇最高榮譽金曲奬『最佳樂團』殊榮,更於今年包辦了最佳國語專輯獎、編曲人獎、作曲人獎、專輯製作人獎和年度最佳歌曲,成為2012年大獲全勝的冠軍樂團。 • 五月天在演唱會上不斷創造奇蹟,也不斷地挑戰自己,世界巡演共計超過兩百場次,累積上千萬樂迷觀賞,更於2012年中國北京鳥巢接連舉行兩場共二十萬人的演唱會,締造了門票在一天內完售的驚人紀錄,亞洲媒體盛讚五月天為『演唱會之王』,英國傳媒更給予五月天『華人披頭四』的封號。 • 勇於突破的五月天,耗時一年,斥資台幣2.2億元製作華人第一部3D演唱會電影『五月天:追夢3DNA』,為業界先驅 。 • 目前2012『諾亞方舟』演唱會,世界巡演中。 • • • follow us on • ●五月天Mayday • official FB ...............................  / imayday555   • official G+ ...............................http://goo.gl/HXhmA • 2012 NOWHERE world tour official web 「諾亞方舟」世界巡迴演唱會 • http://goo.gl/09UX5 • play list《第二人生Second Round》official HD MV全集: • http://goo.gl/NSKbH • • ●相信音樂Bin Music • 加入相信音樂有很多很多很多好看的!!! • 按 讚 官方FB ......................  / ibinmusic   • 訂閱官方youtube .................   / binmusictaipei   • 官方網站 .............................http://www.bin-music.com


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