Desfibrilador Externo Automático DEA Hospital Zambrano Hellion
The Powerheart AED G3 is the flagship defibrillator offered by Cardiac Science • The Powerheart G3 is lightweight and compact and is activated by opening the lid. Once the pads are applied to the patient the AED analyses and delivers the shock, if necessary without rescuer intervention. • The Pads are pre connected (adult or paediatric) and are checked by the AED software for presence and functionality.The Powerheart G3 patented software and biphasic waveform analyses for shockable rhythms of (VF) Ventricular Fibrillation (VT) Ventricular Tachycardia and (SVT) Supraventricular Tachycardia • Clear voice and visual prompts guide the user through the rescue scenario The AED delivers a biphasic waveform which compensates for chest impedence. This energy is between 105 - 360 J with escalating energy for the third and subsequent shocks. • The Powerheart has the ability to detect a pacemaker pulse and is capable of delivering up to 290 shocks from its non-rechargeable lithium sulphur dioxide battery (with 4 year standby life) • Up to 60 minutes of data is stored internally. When the memory is full new data replaces the oldest data. This information can be downloaded to a PC via a serial or USB port using Rescuelink Cardiac Sciences event review software • Patented technology performs automated daily, weekly, and monthly self-tests on the battery, electrode presence, and internal electronics and when successful the AED displays a green rescue ready light indicating it is ready for use. •