Miami Vice 35th Anniversary Tribute by SonnyBurnett1988
Today marks 35 years that the hit cop show, Miami Vice, roared over television on September 16, 1984. It made Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas into overnight sensations and household names. Edward James Olmos had became a more universal and sought after actor after his stunning performance as Lieutenant Martin Castillo wowed everyone. Saundra Santiago would later go onto become Jeannie Cusamano on The Sopranos. Michael Talbott later dropped out of the spotlight and is currently living on a ranch in Montana. John Diehl left in Season 3 as his character Larry Zito was killed off in Down For The Count, Part 1 , and would later appear in episodes of In The Heat Of The Night and Nash Bridges. Olivia Brown never had another starring role in another series after Miami Vice. • 35 years, and a TV show that'll never die. • Song: Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Guitar Extended Remake), uploaded by dirk 018 • Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Guitar E...