How cats might save one Japanese island
(2 Jul 2009) SHOTLIST • Tashiro Island, Japan - 13 to 15 June 2009 • 1. Pan from fisher boats to the main island • 2. Medium shot of elderly fishermen at work • 3. Close shots of stray cats waiting for their share of the catch • 4. Wide shot of fishermen sharing fish with the cats • 5. Elderly fisherman feeding cats • 6. Close-up of cat carrying fish in its mouth • 7. Close-up of cat eating fish • 8. SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Tsuneo Endo, local fisherman and longtime resident of Tashiro Island: • The cats here have always been something like a lucky charm for us who bring good catch. We enshrine them because they are important to us. • 9. Pan down of cat shrine • 10. Various close-ups of cat figures at shrine • 11. Wide shot of deserted street in the village on Tashiro Island, cat walking through the picture • 12. Medium shot of cats sleeping on the street next to motor scooter • 13. Various close-up shots of cats in the village • 14. Medium of Kazuko Hatakeyama banging on her door to call out for cats • 15. Close-up of waiting cats • 16. Medium shot of Kazuko Hatakeyama feeding cats • 17. Pan of cats eating food • 18. Close-up of cats eating food • 19. Wide of exterior of Marine Life Hotel, cat strolling by • 20. Close up of the logo of the hotel • 21. Pan of the interior of the hotel • 22. Various of Keiichi Kusaka using laptop • 23. SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Keiichi Kusaka, hotel owner and head of the local NPO: • Most visitors wouldn't come back for the second time only for the scenery. But cats are living creatures and if tourists take a liking to a specific cat or are cat lovers in general, they would certainly want to come back again. Tourists repeat their visits because of them. • 24. Medium of tourist ferry docking at Tashiro Island harbour, ferry worker throwing rope to harbor worker • 25. Close up of logo of the ferry 'Mermaid' • 26. Medium of tourists getting off the ferry • 27. Tourists taking photos of the cat called Kintaro, famous from various TV productions of the island • 28. SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Fumio Taguchi and his mother Yaeko, tourists from Tokyo: • Recently we saw a TV program on Tashiro Island and the many cats who live here. My mother really loves cats, so we decided to take the trip. • 29. Medium shot of young woman and young boy petting the cat called Kintaro, famous from various TV productions • 30. Medium shot of boy being surrounded by cats, mother taking photos • 31. Close up of cats walking towards tourists • 32. Medium shot of young tourist boy and girl feeding cats • 33. Close shot of cat sculpture • 34. Pan across Manga Land museum • 35. Close up of a building with cat face painted on it • 36. Pan down of building in the shape of a cat face • 37. Wide shot, panorama view of the island • 38. Medium of elderly man in front of his house • 39. Close of elderly woman pushing a wheelbarrow • 40. Close-up of elderly woman fixing a fishing net • 41. Medium of Tashiro Abe in front of his house • 42. Close pan down of Tashiro Abe petting a cat • 43. SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Tashiro Abe, local fisherman: • If we don't have new comers settling here, within the next 10 years this island will be deserted. We will practically die out. • 44. Pan of deserted house • 45. Medium shot of deserted house • 46. Broken telephone in the garden of the deserted house • 47. Medium shot of cat lying in front of a deserted supermarket • 48. Close shot of cat scratching itself and walking out of the screen • 49. Medium of cat walking through the deserted streets of the fishing village at night • 50. Medium shot of two cats walking towards the pacific ocean • LEADIN • STORYLINE • Strolling around it only takes an hour and a half. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: