How to Cut Toenails Properly Foot Care


Full Playlist:    • How to Take Care of Your Feet   • - • - • Watch more How to Take Care of Your Feet videos: • Learn how to cut toenails properly with this Howcast video about foot care. • Hi. I'm Dr. John Fritz, and today we're going to talk a little bit about how to cut your toenails properly. The best time to cut your toenails is immediately after a bath or shower when your nails are soft and supple. You should use a proper toenail clipper to cut your nails, and the nails should be cut straight across. • I usually recommend to my patients leaving at least one millimeter of white showing at the tip of your nail, sort of like what a French manicure looks like. Avoid cutting into the sides of your nail, whereas this can lead to an ingrown toenail. • Don't push your cuticles back when you cut your nails. Leave them there. They are there for a reason. They help prevent bacteria and infection from going into the actual nail matrix. • A light emery board also works wonderful to smooth the nails and prevent jagged edges and to prevent them from catching on your socks. • If you are an athlete, runner, tennis player, basketball player, I usually recommend to cut your nails more frequently, because repetitive trauma at the tip of the shoe can lead to a black toenail or an infected ingrown toenail.


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