Jason D Williams the rockinest piano player in the world
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ISwbTRLQ2Cs
I first saw Jason D. Williams at the RiverBend Festival in Chattanooga, TN in the early 1990s. During his performance at the previous year's festival, he had apparently thrown a piano off the barge and into the river at the end of his set. The year I saw him, he came on stage, stood with his hands on his hips, then pointed at his piano and yelled Should I do it again?! The crowd went nuts. But that was nothing compared with their response during his set. The man played piano with his feet, butt, head--and both his hands, as I remember. He crawled on top of the piano as he played, making love to it with his hips. He slid down below the piano and played there. He rocked harder than any MUSICIAN I've ever seen, much less any piano player. • • None of my musician friends back in New York, even the gigging blues pianists, had ever heard of the guy. He was apparently a secret that the South kept to itself. • • I was astonished, when I just went on YouTube (late January 2008), that nobody has yet posted a clip of this guy. So I googled his website (www.rockinjasondwilliams.com), found this free clip, and have taken the liberty of uploading it. Please visit JDW's website, get his recordings, but most of all, SEE THIS GUY LIVE! • • http://www.rockinjasondwilliams.com • • P.S.: There is, in fact, one additional video of JDW posted at YT and mislabeled: • • • Video • • This barely scratches the surface of what JDW is about. Yes, he's working the same general style as Jerry Lee Lewis, but the guy I saw--and I've seen JDW three times--is very much his own man. SEE HIM LIVE!