Ranpo Kitan 乱歩奇譚 Game of Laplace OP 「スピードと摩擦」 Speed to Masatsu Piano

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=IVnEyOJYKLg

Sheets just below~ • ===================================== • I intended to have this done by tomorrow, but due to God Eater's godly soundtrack, I had to postpone it to today :v • Well here's my take on the Ranpo Kitan. For this one, I was a bit hesitant to make notes on it, given that there was already a synthesia/notes from Kells (I don't think notes are out yet? But eventually). However, I made it regardless because I needed the practice anyway. I don't know just how accurate this arrangement is in terms of the melody and chords, but I tried as much as I could. • The arrangement is quite repetitive, so memorizing isn't that bad of a problem. However, I will say that in this video, I ended up simplifying the chorus a bit. I'm able to play the notes, but I'm still a little camera shy, so I ended up subconsciously simplifying it by a bit. Other than that, I may have made a few minor changes in the left hand between the notes and this video, but nothing too big to note of. • Well, here's my take on this song, please enjoy~ • ===================================== • Anime: Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace (乱歩奇譚 Game of Laplace) • Original Artist: amazarashi • Audio file: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/t5yib... • Music Sheets/ ピアノ楽譜: http://www.mediafire.com/view/7f12929... • http://sheethost.com/sheet/MkOYKw • Arranged by Toshikuni Karube • ===================================== • For updates and such, like my facebook page! •   / animepianisttoshi   • If you want more content, please subscribe! :D


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