Shri Hanumant Stavan Cough Nashak Stotra
This Shri Hanumant Stavan (Cough Nashak Stotra) is in Marathi and it is written by Samarth Ramdas Swami. It is very famous stotra for getting relief from Cough. Many people many times suffer from cough and suffering from bad health. Many children are also suffering from cough. If we recite this stotra loudly every day then we get relief from cough. This stotra is addressed to God Hanuman. Ramdas Swami is asking him to remove the cough, troubling him and causing for bad health. He is telling God Hanuman that there is nobody other than God Hanuman; who can help him from bad health. He is urging God to help him and take the credit of helping people. At the end Samarth Ramdas Swami is saying that because of the blessing of God Hanuman his cough trouble is removed and his health become sound and strong. Hence he is bowing to God Hanuman. Now here in this stotra you can't find the word God Hanuman but there are other words which indicate that this stotra is addressed to God Hanuman. • Please Visit following link for script of the stotra. •