Asteroid Mining Is it worth it
Asteroid mining: Science fiction or way of the future? It is a trending topic amongst engineers and entrepreneurs, and efforts are already underway. But, will the rewards be worth the risk? • We met Professor Alec Gallimore, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education at the Angell Hall Observatory to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to asteroid mining. The task of selecting promising asteroids and traveling to them is the first step in a complicated and vastly expensive operation. Precious metals, water and enabling deep space exploration are a few of the key motivators. • In the long run, experts say space is going to be key to our advancement as a species. Asteroids may be our interstellar stepping stones along this path, and we're already on the way. • About the Professor: • Alec D. Gallimore ( is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Aerospace Engineering ( at the University of Michigan College of Engineering ( • • Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education in the College of Engineering, and a member of the Applied Physics graduate program, Professor Gallimore's primary research interests include electric propulsion, plasma diagnostics, space plasma simulation, electrode physics, nano-particle energetics and hypersonic aerodynamics/plasma interaction. He has extensive design and testing experience with a number of electric propulsion devices including Hall thrusters, ion thrusters, RF thrusters, microwave thrusters, arcjets, 100-kW-class steady MPD thrusters and multimegawatt pulsed coaxial plasma accelerators. He has implemented a variety of probe, microwave, and optical/laser plasma diagnostics, and has graduated 35 PhD students and 11 MS students in the fields of electric propulsion and plasma physics. • Plasmadynamics and Electric Propulsion Lab (PEPL) (