Why We Pick Our Skin

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Skin picking is often more damaging than acne itself, yet it's incredibly difficult to stop this obsessive, repetitive behaviour. That's because skin picking, scientifically called Dermatillomania, happens in the presence of anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. Picking on uneven skin texture actually provides relief (even if very temporary) from the anxiety and tension. Later, seeing the damage to the skin causes even more anxiety and even more skin picking down the line. Can you see the loop? The only way to get out of it is focusing on the anxiety, rather than the skin picking itself. That's where the inositol supplement comes in. It stabilises the mood and anxiety in such a away that in many cases Dermatillomania simply forget about the need to pick on their skin. The same treatment should work for hair pulling as well. • #dermatillomania #skinpicking #inositol • This is the Inositol I use myself: http://amzn.to/2DkpeVr • Here's an article with more details about the use of inositol for skin picking: https://www.skinpick.com/inositol-der... • Simply yours, • Vita xx • Disclaimer: my videos aren't meant to give medical advice, treat, or diagnose. All I do is share everything I learn during my own healing and self-improvement journey. Please do your own research before trying anything and remember to always make well informed decisions because knowledge is power. • SUBSCRIBE for more videos → http://www.youtube.com/user/EcceVita1... • Visit my BLOG → http://vitalivesfree.com • WHERE ELSE YOU CAN FIND ME: • ------------------------------------------------------ • Facebook →   / vitalivesfree   • Google+ → https://plus.google.com/+Vitalivesfree • Twitter →   / vitalivesfree   • Pinterest →   / vitalivesfree   • Instagram →   / vitalivesfree   • Email → vita(at)vitalivesfree.com • *Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase something, I will earn a small commission. It doesn't cost you anything, but it makes it possible for me to keep serving you. Thanks so much for supporting my work!


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