Fighting Unarmed James Hipkiss
James Hipkiss was a British wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu champion and a member of the English Jiu-Jitsu Federation (E.J.J.F.). Hipkiss studied Jiu-Jitsu under Yukio Tani and Gunji Koizumi. Tani was the chief instructor of the British Jiu-Jitsu Society, and also of the London Budokwa. • In 1940, Hipkiss was appointed unarmed combat instructor at the HQ of Birmingham home guard. The same year he wrote a manual of unarmed combat primarily for the Home Guard entitled “Unarmed Combat Your Answer to Invasion – Ju-Jitsu”, plus, in 1942, a training movie for the Royal Air Force, “Fighting Unarmed”, seen here above. • For more information on this and other close combat and preparedness topics please go to the Integrated Close Combat Forum