Service Dogs First Flight Disneyworld Trip Day 1
Day one of our trip to Florida! This was Ridley's first time flying. • We had two flights, and wow was it an eventful day!! • Questions//Concerns? I'm most easily reached via Instagram DM! • Be sure to check out our other social media below! • Instagram • • TikTok • • Ridley is a multipurpose service dog in training. She is task trained to mitigate my psychiatric and physical disabilities. She is granted public access rights to enter non-pet friendly places via The Americans With Disabilities Act and California Disabled Persons Act. Bringing non-service dogs into non pet friendly establishments is illegal. Faking a service dog is a federal crime, and a misdemeanor in many states punishable by $1k+ in fines and jail time. Please do your research before bringing your dog into public to find out if they are pet friendly. Target. Walmart, Disneyland, and any store/establishment that sells food is NOT pet friendly.