African Boxthorn control Eyre Peninsula
Eyre Peninsula’s African Boxthorn Management Plan is well underway with a helicopter being used to access key sites / assets (heritage areas and areas of significant) conservation and implement control. • This is the first phase of the large-scale control work undertaken via helicopter that fits well with next phase due to commencing in 2016, when Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula staff will be working closely with local Land Managers to reduce the likelihood of further re-infestation. • WildEyre Project Manager Andrew Freeman and NREP staff have had to pioneer a new control method using a granular herbicide distributed via helicopter, in order to work efficiently across such a huge area. • Since 2013 the partnership program, between WildEyre ( and Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula (NREP) on behalf of the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board, has controlled 44,000 hectares (approximately an area the size of 1,800 ovals) of African Boxthorn on public and private land between Convention Beach and Haslam, on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula. African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) are an invasive pest plant species. • For more information on the plants biology, threats, feasibility of control and what control should happen in the region please read the African Boxthorn Pest Management Plan, Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula (