Beatles Dizzy Miss Lizzie Lead Guitar Secrets


Beatles guitar lesson PLEASE: Read video description below BEFORE COMMENTING. • Solos: 0:41 • I eliminated the second and third verses. Harrison used a Tennessean. This is a 1966 Gretsch Country Gentleman played through a Vox AD15VT set to AC30TB w/ no effects. Min Bass, Min Mid, Max Treble. .010 -.046 nickel plated wire wound strings. The amp was close-mic recorded with a Tascam DR07 digital recorder and then mixed with the backing tracks created from the original recording. Compression was added during mixing. The performance was double tracked. No tabs. • My videos are really intended for accomplished guitarists who want to polish up their Beatles repertoire and can benefit from seeing how a song is played - I am not a guitar teacher and do not provide tabs. I welcome specific questions. If the various chords that I am playing are not familiar to you then I would suggest that you visit some of the many free guitar chord sites. I had to learn these songs by listening to vinyl records and watching live performances on tv. • The use of any copyrighted material is used under the guidelines of Fair Use in Title 17 § 107 of the United States Code. Such material remains the copyright of the original holder and is used here for the purposes of education, comparison, and criticism only.


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