TRANS NZOIA CLERGY SENSITIZATION Full Gospel Churches of KenyaKitale
It is always a great joy to meet with the clergy before the start of engagements in a county; for there is power in unity and prayers. • Today, I met with the clergy of TransNzoia County at the Full Gospel Church in Kitale. I believe it is the appointed time to go out and obey God's commandment. One being to serve the vulnerable populations, which is the true religion, James 1:26-27, and also obey the Great Commission Matt 28:18-20 to go outside the four-walled church and reach those in the gutter, drug dens and muguka shades. • I shared the vision of my office with the clergy and urged them to open their places of worship to serve the vulnerable and fulfill the Great Commission. Let's tell Pharaoh/the devil to let God's people go from addictions, Exod 3:10-11. The cry of the boy child to break free from the chains of addictions is too loud to be ignored. • I have seen church based rehabilitation work. Imagine the number of transformed boy children we could restore if each church rehabilitated at least 10. • Matt 25:34-36. Let us also visit prisons, hospitals, and share with the less fortunate. This is what constitutes a Christian, and the Christian work. • Present were TransNzoia Senator Allan Chesang, Woman Representative Lillian Siyoi, and PEFA Church Bishop Dr. Mophat Kilioba among others.