Who can be a kidney donor சிறுநீரக தானம் யார் செய்யலாம்
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Kidney donation is a life-saving gift for kidney failure patients who are on long-term dialysis. After a person donates a kidney, the donor can live a normal life. One kidney is enough for the survival of a person. Awareness about this fact is lacking among our population. • The donor has to be blood-related to the patient or he should have the O+ve blood group (universal blood donor). It is now possible to transplant a kidney even if the donor and the patient are not of the same blood group. • Watch Dr. Balaji Kirushnan, Consultant Nephrologist from Kauvery Hospital talk about kidney transplantation and the requirements to be a kidney donor. Only some hospitals have the provisions to perform kidney transplantation and Kauvery Hospital is one of the best kidney transplant hospitals in India. • 00:00 Introduction • 00:04 When is kidney transplantation necessary for a patient? • 00:13 Debunking some myths about kidney donation • 00:56 Basic requirements to be a kidney donor • 01:40 Parameters a person has to satisfy if he wants to be a kidney donor • https://www.kauveryhospital.com/docto... • https://www.kauveryhospital.com/cente... • Read as Blog Article: https://kauveryhospital.com/blog/tran... • #KidneyDonation #LifeSavingGift #LongTermDialysis #DonateAKidney #NormalLife #OneKidneyIsEnough #KidneyFailure #Awareness #BloodRelated #UniversalBloodDonor #Transplantation #DifferentBloodGroups #ConsultantNephrologist #KauveryHospital #KidneyTransplantation #BestKidneyTransplantHospital #India #SaveLives #SpreadAwareness • Twitter • @kauveryhospital • Facebook • @kauveryhospitalchennai • @KauveryHospitalTrichy • @kauveryhospitalkaraikudi • @kauveryhospitalhosur • @KauveryHospitalSalem • Linkedin • @KauveryHospitalGroup • Instagram • @kauveryhospital • Podbean • @kauveryhospital