Papulex Review Update 2018 Edition
In 2012 I trialled Papulex for the first time. More than 5 years later, I'm still using it. Here are my thoughts and results as a practically 40 year old! • • By way of a recap, this is what I wrote in the desription of my original review video 5+ years ago: • Australian Papulex Trial. First week results. • Papulex Day 0 video here: • Papulex Day 0 • Pros: My skin hasn't broken out. In fact, it has slightly improved. I'm not sure whether this is because of where I am in my hormonal cycle, or whether if it's the Papulex products... I guess we'll wait and see. • I didn't mention this in the video but, after being away for 4 days, the first thing my hubby mentioned when I got home was Wow, your skin looks really good! . So yay for that! • Redness has slightly diminished. Pores on my cheeks are minimised, ever so slightly. Blackhead around my nose are minimsed slightly too. I still have some 'invisible' small bumps (whiteheads?) around my jaw line. I can feel them but not see them... • Cons: • The cleanser STINKS! Seriously, it's horrible. It smells like cheap toilet deodoriser/cleanser and even my 20 year old daughter noticed it immediately! • The lid of the cleanser is REALLY hard to open. I have to break a nail (and/or chip polish) OR open it in such a way that the skin under my nail starts to come away. It's just THAT tough to open. Actually, I've taken the whole entire lid off more times than I've opened the lid/flap. So, Papulex, if you're reading this, please do something about the lid. • The lid of the 'moisturiser' equivalent also has issues. Although these are just cosmetic. It's not flat. Slightly rounded means that it doesn't sit properly on my vanity. It just wobbles all around the place. And then falls over. I'm NOT excited about this 'cause it means it constantly falls off my vanity. • I'd prefer a dispenser that provided a metred dose. That way Papulex would have control over how much product was dispensed (making sure people were using the correct amount) and people like ME, who like to pick up, pump, then put down, would have a much more simple time of things. And they wouldn't destroy their nails or fingers in the process laughs • Makeup does NOT like sitting on top of these products. Not mine, anyway. I'm using the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Treatment Makeup (and concealers) and they look disGUSting on top of the Papulex products. The ONLY way I could get them to work was to purchase a primer to use under my foundation. • I don't want to add another product to the mix, but I have to to get a decent look. So, I've added another product to my cosmetic use... • This is just the results from week one, so we'll see how things continue over the next five weeks. Stay tuned. • غسول بابولاكس