How to Make Raspberry amp Redcurrant Marmalade


Raspberry Red currant Marmalade • • • Ingredients • • 1.5 Kg Fruits, • 1 Lemmon juice • 1/2Kg sugar for jam ratio 1:3 • • Directions • Use a alrge pot, the rasberry redcurrant should fill atleast half the pot. Rasberry have an intense flavour that keeps you going back for more. Strilize your jars and an let them sit in a hot water bath. Wash the jars with warm water, then Place the jars in big pot and poor boiling water. Fill all the glass jars with hot water and let them sit in the hot water bath as you prepare the final stage of your marmalade. • Wash the raberry and remove the stems from the redcurrant, and add the lean juice, mash them with a potato masher. Let the raspberry cook for 5 minutes and river them completely, until you remain with the seeds. Pu the juice back in the cooking pan and stir the sugar inside. boil vigorously for four minutes • Filling the jam • Puor the jam into the glass jars and seal them immediately. Let the glass jars sit on their tops for about 5 minutes and then keep them upright again. • storing the Jam • Once the jars have cooled down completely press down the middle of the jar with a finger, if it springs back then then jar in unsealed. Store the sealed jar in a cool place unto one year, for the unsealed jars store them in the fridge for the use. We make so much effort in the garden so that we can have some fruits. I use my fruits in the most creative ways possible. • Key words: • Easy raspberry jam, Homemade raspberry Jam, raspberry Jam in 5 min, Raspberry jam recipe demontaration,Raspberry jam recipe, Ho to make raspberry Jam,Easy Raspberry Jam,. Homemade raspberry jam., old fashion raspberry jam, • • Himbeeren Marmalade Rezept • • Hinbeeren verlesen, möglichst nicht waschen, die fruchte leicht zerdrücken. Dann die Früchte mit Gelier Zucker gut vermischen und unterrühren zum kochen bringen, 4 Minuten sprudeln kochen lassen. Die Konfitüre heiß in Gläser füllen uns sofort verschließen. • • Follow me. • Facebook:   / gardfee   • twitter:   / gardfee   • youtube :    • Video  


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