Pamela Você Me Conquistou Live Session
This gospel song is part of the album quot;Tour do Amor quot; by singer Pamela. BUY THIS CD: DIGITAL ALBUM ON ITUNES: ? album / tour-of-love-live-session / id1252112167 app = itunes amp; ign-mpt = uo% 3D4 DIGITAL aLBUM ON GOOGLE PLAY: DOWNLOAD / LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM: =================================== ========== YOU WON mE like a dream found love through a gesture from her was enough only a glance to believe that I will not hear a farewell You taught me the song lyrics that makes me so happy and warm my heart I will not forget you you got me me amp; U sharing good dreams I will not forget you you won me a gift from God Are you for me and so there is love Author: Jill Viegas ======== ================================== LIV And SESSION - PAMELA - YOU WON ME Pamela wears Erika Heizer / atelierikaheizer Director: Felipe Archangel Production: Carla Malafaia and Jaqueline Macedo Assistant: Leonardo Vasconcelos and James Marques Make: Jaqueline Macedo Illuminator: Vagner Pitangui Assembly and Finalization: Miracle Studios