No Nostalgia For Yugoslavia Kosovo Western Aspirations How We Got Here
The nostalgia for a lost Eden is common enough... East Germany, Ostalgia or Yugonostalgia for Yugoslavia. • Last week, the Serbian government passed a bill recognizing Kosovo as a “special social protection area.” By supporting the unemployed and those over 65 who have not exercised their right to a pension, the bill. The Serbian government also adopted a draft on the jurisdiction of judicial authorities prosecuting crimes committed on Kosovo's territory. The new rules stipulate that the prosecutor's office and courts in Belgrade will be responsible for handling criminal cases. • Kosovo eventually proclaimed its independence in February 2008 – a move that Serbia did not recognize as legal. • The number of Kosovo Serbs living in Kosovo remains debatable with estimates of around 95,000, nearly half of whom live in North Kosovo. • Nostalgia certainly ain’t what it used to be! • Join Jan Darasz and his guest: Drilon S. Gashi Chief of Mission, Consulate General of the Republic of Kosovo in Poland for “How We Got Here” • 🔴 Watch our 24/7 livestream - • Video • Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, TVP World is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find world news as seen from the Polish perspective and the latest news from the CEE region. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. • • • / tvpworldcom • / tvpworld_com • / tvp_world • • • /