I Fought Every Boss In WarframeAlmost
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=InnT3pXIoeo
This...took longer than i thought it would. Also consider me the #1 profit-taker hater lol • Disclaimer: • There were a few bosses I missed such as Silver grove, Eidolons, Stalker, and a few others. I honestly just forgot about them by the time I had finished recording. If you all would like to see those, I will attempt to update this vid on a later day with those missing bossess added. • As for the lich, I only did one since they are pretty much the same but again, if ya'll would prefer both are added, thats another thing I can include in the update if I get around to doing so. • The timestamps are followed by The Boss Name (Location, Acquisition on defeat) • Times Stamps: • 0:05 Councilor Vay Hek (Earth, Hydroid Parts) • 1:32 The Jackal (Venus, Rhino Parts) • 3:30 Captain Vor (Mercury, Seer parts) • 4:33 Lt Lech Kril (Mars, Excalibur parts) • 5:40 Lephantis (Deimos, Nekros Parts) • 7:46 Zealoid Prelate (Deimos, Pathocyst Parts) • 10:34 The Sergeant (Phobos, Mag parts) • 10:53 Captain Vor + Lt Lech Kril (Ceres, Frost parts) • 12:13 Alad V (Jupiter, Valkyr Parts) • 13:24 Ropalolyst Natah Intro • 15:14 Ropalolyst (Jupiter, Wisp Parts) • 19:15 The Raptor (Europa, Nova Parts) • 20:20 General Sargas Ruk (Saturn, Ember Parts) • 21:51 Tyl Regor (Uranus, Equinox Parts) • 23:28 Hyena Pack (Neptune, Loki Parts) • 24:05 Ambulas (Pluto, Trinity Parts) • 26:07 Mutalist Alad V (Eris, Mesa Parts) • 26:41 Jordas Golem Juggernaut Behemoth • 26:54 jordas Golem (Eris, Atlas Parts) • 28:00 Kela De Thaym (Sedna, Saryn Parts) • 31:24 Void Angel (Zariman, Voidplume Pinion) • 33:36 30 Eye Fragmented One Fragmented Wave Intro • 34:05 30 Eye Fragmented One (Deimos/Sanctum Anatomica, Random Melee Arcane) • 34:45 Exploiter Orb (Venus/Fortuna/Orb Vallis, Hildryn Parts + Lazulite Toroid) • 39:45 Profit Taker (Venus/Fortuna/Orb Vallis, Crisma Toroid) • 43:15 Corrupted Captain Vor (Void level 40+, 60/60 Toxin Status Mod OR Duviri Circuit, Rune Marrow) • 43:58 kullervo (Duviri/Fear,Anger,Sorrow Spirals, Kullervo's Bane) • 46:00 Dex Gladius (Duviri) • 47:42 Orowyrm Initial intro • 49:11 Orowyrm (Duviri) • 51:32 Phorid (invasion Assassinations, Nyx Parts) • 52:05 Lich (Saturn proxima or Neptune proxima, Lich weapon and Ephemera(if they have one) on Vanquish OR Lich Companion and Ephemera(if they have one) on Convert)