Please watch: FILM THEORY: AN INTERVIEW WITH CASSIDY EXPLAINED • • Video -~- • 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙄𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙔𝙚𝙩 • --- • The Fedora Chronicles Explained A Tf2 series made by the creator @the_winglet wich made a series based on the timeline story tf2 in his perspective. • In this video i am explaining the so called TF2 sfm Series The Fedora Chronicles BY The Winglet. The whole series is based on the abnormal team fight between blue and red, with the one gamemode of tf2 wich is the intelligence. The series then turns into a horror nightmarish way. In episode 3, the series gets a twist of the blue teams, originial plan wich is to build a Robot army, to destroy everyone and anyone in the word. The main characters of this whole story is Red team, blue team, Scout, Spy, Solider. These are the antagonists. I explained what the meaning of the series really is, still not fully perfect explained, cause there is no new episode yet, and then i cant have any perfect explaination on the end and what is gonna happen. Please enjoy the video of what i made :) and please remember to subscribe and share with other people out there. • 1: The Red Soldier appoints the Red Spy with the important task of recovering the Blu intelligence on 2Fort... • 2: Something isn't quite right on ctf_sawmill... • This is the second episode of my series The Fedora Chronicles , though it doesn't have a huge connection with the original. It has taken me around 2 months to make so I hope you enjoy it! • Subscribe for more! • 3: As things go wrong and the BLU team's diabolical plan is revealed, will RED have what it takes to survive? • Of course they will, BLU sucks. • 4: As the Red team continue their search for the source of the robots, a deeper plot is revealed... • It's been over a year since the original release, I thought I'd make another YouTube friendly edit so everyone can continue to watch and enjoy this video. • So i hope you enjoy the explanation of this video. I tried my best to talk about everything. • #film #filmtheory