TTRPG Black Friday Sales
If you are missing any 5E stuff from the past 10 years, now is a great time to pick up that stuff as it all marked down 50 to 80% • Plus PDF's of the older stuff is marked down on Drivethru • And best of all • MY STUFF IS MARKED DOWN • The most comprehensive list of links ( • Ttrpg sales • #ttrpg #ttrpgnews #ttrpgsales #blackfriday #blackfridaysales #ttrpgblackfridaysales #ttrpgblackfriday #ogl #osr #orc #d d #funny • Find me on Link Tree • Please support my latest Seths Gear and Ammo Christmas catalog ( • Check it out, at long last, Shadowdark Goblinpunk ( • • A disclaimer on my work • As an independent creator, I maintain a clear stance on non-gaming topics. I neither condone nor • endorse nor rebuke nor concern myself with any cultural, political, or non-gaming-related opinions of any sponsor, business partner, employee, or individual other than myself, and I wish to keep • non-gaming topics out of my products. • I am just here to talk about Goblins with Sticks. • TAGS. • D D, OSR, OGL, ORC, OSE, WOTC, SRD, RPG, TTRPG, WOTC, tabletop, tabletop RPG, FLGS, FLGS News, Game shop, Game shop News, tabletop roleplaying, tabletop roleplaying game, • TTRPG News, tabletop News, tabletop RPG News, tabletop roleplaying game News, RPG News, roleplaying game News, WOTC News, Wizards of the Coast News, Dungeons and Dragons, • Dungeons and Dragons News, Shadow Dark, Shadowdark News, Pathfinder, Pathfinder News, • This is a PG 13. NSFW Editorial