The MOTHER of all Rhoynish Streams
Featuring TONS of great ARTWORK of every part of Nymeria's journey! The Rhoynar are probably the ancient civilizations we know the most about, so let's dive in to water magic, the Rhoynish legend of the Long Night, the turtle wars with Valyria, Garin the Great and his grey curse, Nymeria's exodus of the 10,000 ships (Yeen and Sothoryos, Naath and the Summer Isles), Dornish integration and Mors and Nymeria's war of unification, the orphans of the Greenblood, and the massive Rhoynish cultural influence on Dorne. As always, there'll symbolic analysis of all of the above which will build on the Tyrion Bridge of Dream / Sorrows ADWD read-along stream from last week. It's a big one! • 🜏 One-time donation to support: • 🜏 Join our Patreon: / lucifermeanslightbringer • 🜏 All things Mythical Astronomy: • 🜏 Teeshirts Merch: • Twitter: @thedragonLML | Instagram: @davidlightbringer • Title image uses Chroyanne by Falk Boje • Thanks to Werthead's Atlas of Ice and Fire maps: https://atlasoficeandfireblog.wordpre... • The Sorrows / Bridge of Dream Tyrion ADWD stream: • The Sorrows and the Bridge of Dream (...