FIFA 21 Gameplay PS4 HD 1080p60FPS
FIFA 21 Early Access – How to Play the Game Early • When you can play FIFA 21 via EA Play early access. • FIFA 21 EA Play early access time and date: when does early access start? • EA likes to change the name of its proprietary services and this year is no different. This time, the thing that gets you the earliest possible access to FIFA 21 is called EA Play. • It's EA's new name for EA Access, but the principle is the same: if you have a subscription to EA Play, you get a 10 hour 'trial' of FIFA 21 ahead of launch and then another 10 hour trial of the full game on full launch. If you have access to EA Play Pro, you get the full game from that earliest date. Here are the dates and times. • FIFA 21 EA Play early access is available from Thursday, 1st October at the following times: • UK: 4pm (BST) • Europe: 5pm (CEST) • East Coast US: 11am (EDT) • West Coast US: 8am (PDT) • FIFA 21 preload and download times: when can you pre-download the FIFA 21 with EA Play access? • When you can preload FIFA 21 depends on what platform you're playing on. Here's the word direct from EA Sport's community manager: • If you're on Origin (PC) and have EA Play or EA Play Pro, you can download and preload FIFA 21 now. • If you're on Xbox and have EA Play or a preorder of FIFA 21, you can download and preload FIFA 21 now. • If you're on Steam (PC) there's no official preload time for downloading the game, as that's down to Valve. • If you're on PS4, there's likewise no official preload time for downloading the game, as that's down to Sony. • On PS4 and Steam, FIFA is usually available to download anywhere between a day and a couple of hours before it actually goes live, with the expectation being that FIFA 21 will be no different. In that case, we expect you to be able to preload FIFA 21 with EA Play access on Thursday 1st October from the following times at the latest, but check in ahead of time at any point up to 24 hours before, just in case: • UK: 2pm (BST) • Europe: 3pm (CEST) • East Coast US: 9am (EDT) • West Coast US: 6am (PDT) • Wellcome to FP Good Game • Like the video if you enjoyed ► Thanks for watching! • Click Here To Subscribe! ► • Facebook: / fpgoodgames • My Twitch : / fpgoodgame • My Twitter : / fpgoodgame