This course covers how to create custom Unreal Engine editor builds and how to store them in a Perforce Helix Core repository. You’ll learn how to install and use Perforce Unreal Game Sync and the basics of Helix Core and Unreal integrations. We’ll break down the benefits of managing Unreal Engine files in Helix Core and show how it streamlines collaboration. • See how Perforce and Unreal integrations work: https://bit.ly/44m13i1 • Get an overview of Unreal Engine 5 features and how to use UE5 with source control by Perforce: https://bit.ly/3sp3lzF • - - • About Perforce U: • Want to learn more about using version control (or source control) to streamline your virtual production pipeline? Sign up for free, on-demand courses from Perforce U College of Virtual Production. Learn about version control, get a foundation of Helix Core work principles, and earn a Source Control Journeyman Certificate. Register today and learn at your own pace: https://bit.ly/41q7gYQL • About Helix Core: Perforce Helix Core is the leading version control system for teams who need to accelerate innovation at scale. Store and track changes to all your digital assets, from source code to binary to IPs. Connect your teams and empower them to move faster and build better: https://bit.ly/3OUuAeo