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(24 Sep 1999) English/Nat • • Indonesian troops continued their retreat from strife-riven East Timor following Jakarta's announcement that martial law over the territory has been lifted. • • Meanwhile an Australian-led United Nations peacekeeping force continue their efforts to secure the territory from further acts of violence from pro-Indonesian militia gangs. • • Indonesia last week scrapped a security treaty with Australia in an apparent protest against the latter's intervention in the East Timor crisis. • • The Indonesian military have also been accused of contributing in East Timor's destructive crisis, in collusion with the militia. • • Indonesia said on Thursday that martial law had been revoked in East Timor and that the responsibility for security would be handed over to the multinational force. • • The government imposed martial law on September 7 after the militia rampage began in reaction to East Timor's independence referendum on August 30th. • • SOUNDBITE: (English) • There's a lot of buildings in this sector to be searched and it takes a lot of manpower to do that. • Q - Do you still believe the militia are a dangerous threat ? • Yes, I do, at this stage. • SUPER CAPTION: Major Mark Ross, Commander running operation • • SOUNDBITE: (English) • We have identified instances where it is very likely that there has been interaction between T-N-I (Indonesian military) and the militia. This is especially to do with those T-N-I who have been recruited from within East Timor. This is understandable. • SUPER CAPTION: Major General Peter Cosgrove, Commander of U-N peacekeeping force • • Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/you...