Welcome to the ManusKrip Youtube Channel, And This is the U R L ( / @manuskrip ) ManusKrip Youtube Channel, the Head of LBH Papua received an Afternoon Lecture from the Head of Operations for the Jayapura City Police on Friday, August 16, 2024 at the Waena Expo. This is the information that is distributed in the JAYAPURA CITY LINTAS KEJADIAN SOsMET GROUP. Friends, .... Before continuing with this video, I, the ManusKrip Youtuber, need to convey an introduction first, and the prologue or narrative that you hear follows what was conveyed by the Director of LBH Papua, Mr. Emanuel Gobay. Don't misunderstand, here is the RESPONSE from the DIRECTOR OF LBH PAPUA to this VIRAL VIDEO. EMANUEL GOBAY S H M H (Director of LBH Papua) responded to the VIRAL VIDEO OF THE DEBATE BETWEEN THE HEAD OF OPS OF THE JAYAPURA POLICE AND THE DIRECTOR OF LBH PAPUA, WHICH, according to EMANUEL GOBAY himself, the video has been MISINTERPRETED and spread IN THE JAYAPURA CITY CROSS-INCIDENT SOCIAL GROUP, and has also been SHARED ON TIKTOK AND INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS. It should be noted that the debate between the Director of LBH Papua and the Head of OpS of the Jayapura Police began when the Director of LBH Papua questioned the legal basis for the planned search of a house, the house which was used as a place for the reading of the Position Statement by members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Expo Waena environment to the police. Apparently, the Head of OpPS of the Jayapura Police immediately responded to the question with the answer As far as I know, this is an asset of the Papua Provincial Government . Hearing the answer, the Director of LBH Papua said that regarding the land of the Papua Provincial Government Asset, this is still under discussion with the government, and until now no agreement has been reached. So if what is being questioned is the assets of the provincial government, then why not discuss it with the government. The answer of the Director of LBH Papua was immediately responded to by the Head of Operations of the Jayapura Police by approaching the Director of LBH Papua and immediately pushing the Director of LBH Papua while the Head of Operations of the Jayapura Police spoke in unclear sentences. The Director of LBH Papua then responded to the pushing action of the Head of Operations of the Jayapura Police with the answer, Sir, there is no need to use a violent approach, (meaning pushing). Furthermore, the Head of Operations of the Jayapura Police said that I did not use violence. After that, the Head of Operations of the Jayapura Police again made various statements as recorded in the following viral video. Friends, Whatever Your Response About This Video, If You Want To Comment Please Do Not Violate Youtube Community Standards, Because If You Violate It Once, It Will Be Very Harmful To Yourself. This ManusKrip Youtube Channel Must Exist Until Papua Is Independent and Best Regards From Me YouTuber ManusKrip #mixmanuscript #mixmanuskrip