Force method explained
Check out for more free structural analysis tutorials. The course covers shear force and bending moment diagram review, method of superposition, moment area method, force method, displacement method, slope deflection method, and 3 moment equation. • This tutorial introduces the force method as a way to solve statically indeterminate problems. The force method is basically just a combination of the method of super position and any other method of your choice (moment area, double integration, tables, etc.). You separate the forces caused by the redundant reactions from the applied loads via the method of superposition, find the deflection caused in the now statically determinate structure caused only by the applied loads, and then knowing that in the real structure, there is zero deflection at the supports, use that condition to solve for the magnitudes of the forces that would cause a deflection at the point of application to be equal and opposite to the deflection in the statically determinate system. It's a nice method for structures that are 1 degree indeterminate. It's pretty clumsy for structures that are 2 or more degrees indeterminate, I would definitely recommend using another method (like slope deflection or three moment equation) for 2+ degrees indeterminate problems. • If you found this video helpful, please consider supporting my work on Patreon: / engineer4free • Looking for software? I highly recommend checking out SkyCiv. They make a full suite of online structural analysis software and tools that are useful for both students and professionals, including calculators for beams, trusses, frames, moment of inertia and more. It’s great for checking your work: • Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube and join the Engineer4Free mail list: • Subscribe: • Mail List: • Social Media: • Facebook: / engineer4free • Instagram: / engineer4free • Twitter: / engineer4free • Thanks for watching, The Struggle Is REAL!