Success stories by graduates of Bolashak International Scholarship Qazaq TV News


Success stories by graduates of Bolashak International Scholarship. Qazaq TV News • #graduates #Bolashak #InternationalScholarship #30thanniversary #InternationalWomen’sDay #Scholarship • Real stories of success and self-expression. In the capital, 30 best graduates of the Bolashak International Scholarship shared their experience and achievements. The event was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country’s Independence and the International Women’s Day. The women spoke about their studies abroad and the introduction of advanced experience in priority areas of economy, education, healthcare, culture and science. The Scholarship was founded by the decree of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in 1993. Over 27 years, the programme has trained over 11,000 experts, more than half of them are women. • “The programme showed and proved that it really helps Kazakh residents obtain advanced knowledge and technology, apply this knowledge after returning to the homeland. Therefore, we hope that the goal of our event will be achieved, and all listeners of today’s success stories will be inspired. We will wait for those who wish, in the center of international progammes to the new reception and selection of 2021,” said Ainur Karbozova, President, Centre for International Programmes. • Gulzada Shakulikova graduated under the Bolashak programme ten years ago. She underwent a scientific internship in the United Kingdom. Now she serves as rector of the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas. • “Woman as a hearth keeper, a mother is probably should always thrive to self-development and self-improvement. Therefore, a woman never misses the opportunity to study. I know by myself that many projects, such as scientific and other competitions, are realized by women. At the commission, I was asked how necessary it is to study further for a woman professor, when you have three children. I answered that a woman should probably study all the time, because, after all, she brings up the future generation of Kazakhstan,” said Gulzada Shakulikova, Rector, Atyrau Oil and Gas University. • Qazaq TV: бізді спутниктік арна арқылы және Youtube, әлеуметтік желілерден көріңіздер. Видео астында пікір қалдыруды ұмытпаңыздар! • Qazaq TV: смотрите нас на спутниковом ТВ, в Youtube и социальных сетях. Оставляйте ваши коммментарии под этим видео. • Watch us on satellite TV, YouTube and social networks. Leave your comments under this video! • Kazakh TV арнасына жазылыңыз / Подписывайтесь на Kazakh TV / Subscribe to Kazakh TV • • Біздің басты шоуларды көріңіз / Смотрите наши топовые шоу / Watch our top shows • GIFTED -    • GIFTED / ОДАРЕННЫЕ ДЕТИ / ДАРЫНДЫ ҰРПАҚ   • Qazaq Life -    • Qazaq LIFE   • Otandastar -    • Otandastar   • • Біздің сайт / Наш сайт / Our website - • Vkontakte - • Facebook -   / qazaqtvkz   • Twitter -   / qazaq_tv   • Instagram -   / qazaqtv_kz   • Telegram -


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