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Fr. Jerzy's homily begins at 7:47 • The death of martyrs is the seed of Christians. - Father Jerzy Popiełuszko • During the summer of 1980, at the request of Cardinal Wyszynski, Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko celebrated Mass for the striking workers in the Gdansk Shipyard, and his destiny was set in motion. It was that same day that Lech Walesa and other workers founded Solidarity, the first non-Communist controlled trade union in a Warsaw Pact country. • For the next four years, Fr. Jerzy would serve as the chaplain of the Solidarity movement, a group of 10 million Polish Catholic workers who resisted the Communists and helped lead to the breakup of the Iron Curtain. As their chaplain, Fr. Jerzy spoke boldly and openly through fiery sermons in which he criticized the Communist government and exhorted the people to follow God and to use non-violent means to resist oppression. • On October 19, 1984, after celebrating Mass at the Polish Saints Martyred Brothers Church, Fr. Jerzy’s car was stopped by three members of the Polish secret police. His driver was beaten badly but escaped. Fr. Jerzy was not so lucky. Brutalized until he was unconscious, he was tied up and thrown into the trunk of a car. Taken to the Vistula River, a boulder was tied to his legs and still alive, he was thrown into the river. His body was found eleven days later. • Outrage over his death was intense. Estimates say that 400,000 people attended his funeral, and for the first and perhaps only time in a Communist country, a trial was held in which the three secret police officers and their superior were all found guilty and sentenced to prison. • “An idea which needs rifles to survive dies of its own accord. An idea capable of life wins without effort and is then followed by millions of people,” he said. • Fr. Jerzy was beatified in 2010 and since 1984, 17 million people have visited his tomb. Every October 19, a 24-hour vigil is held to commemorate his death. • (Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko's sermon taken from His Sermons 1982-1984, translated by Ewa Hermacinski, Wydawnictwo Siostr Loretanek, 2010)