Plasma Fibroblast Eye Skin Tightening. A video demonstrating the immediate effects of plasma fibroblast treatment on the eyelid • The video shows the firm tight and wrinkle free eyelid that has just been treated versus the untouched Loose and sagging eyelid on the opposite side • Our non-surgical eyelid lift (or non-surgical blepharoplasty) is a non-invasive treatment that uses plasma fibroblast technology to tighten the sagging skin on the upper eyelids and minimise crow’s feet and wrinkles around the eyes. The plasma pen can also be used to treat sagging upper eyelids, wrinkles underneath the eyes and also various skin conditions and concerns (such as ageing, acne, rosacea or scarring around they eye) • The technology is a non-surgical alternative to a traditional eye lift that usually requires cutting into the skin. • The procedure is quick and takes under 30 minutes. Little to no downtime is required i.e. sutures are not necessary after the treatment. There may be some mild discomfort for a few hours afterwards (similar to the feeling of having your eyes stung, like when you get shampoo in them). Ice packs are applied at the end of the treatment to stop any swelling. After the first week or so sutures dissolve and this means there is no more pain or discomfort. • Most patients experience results within 2 weeks (although this varies from person to person) and will see their sagging skin on the upper eyelid tighten making less sagging in the future. The non-surgical, laser or plasma facelift can be a great option for anyone who is considering sagging surgery (which often has long recovery times), looking to minimise sagging skin but doesn't want to take sagging skin too far, or who is looking to try a non-sagging surgery option before going ahead with sagging skin surgery. •


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